Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Ninth Reflection~ The Final Reflection

PEDAGOGY IN EDUCATION, ESEB 2064 comes to an end!

This course can be considered as one of the best courses ever I had throughout these four semesters. This course headed me towards the real world of teaching. The course's name itself contains the word 'education' where it emphasizes more towards teaching. As we all are going to be future educators soon, this course indeed a very good platform to enhance our knowledge about teaching. As I had mentioned earlier in one of my reflections, either the process of becoming a teacher or the profession of a teacher can never be underestimated. I get to know it once I stepped into my Degree program. Most of us might think that teaching is considered as an easy job. But that is absolutely wrong. Not everyone can become a teacher. Those people with passion towards teaching only can enter the world of educators. Although teaching is not my passion once upon a time, but now I found that it's my destiny. Day by day, I'm getting myself familiarized with this choice of being an educator. And not forgetting this course, Pedagogy in Education which do help me to realize what I should do after I became an educator. 

I have discovered a vast range of knowledge regarding how I should monitor my students not only during the teaching and learning session, but even in the classroom management too. I understood that teachers not only assigned to teach the students, but they are also the second parents for the students. The full responsibility to take a good care of students lies on the teachers. As a teacher, I should be able to balance myself in order to prevent problems. 

I seriously adore the way our lecturer, Madam Ng Huey Zher delivered the course materials to us. It was indeed a great honour to have her as our lecturer. The patience she had to bear with us is something that should be praised. The full commitment given by Madam Ng towards us had helped us to understand and get indulged into this course well. As a result, it can be said that we are very clear of our responsibilities that we should carry as educators in future. Thanks a tonne Madam Ng for your hardwork to shape us into better future educators. And not leaving behind your valuable comments and wishes for us as well.

Lastly, I would like to thank to all my friends for being a huge support for me to complete all the tasks together flawlessly. I appreciate each and every of you guys.
See you all as real teachers soon.

Thank you. :)


Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Eighth Reflection


I am so glad to share my feelings here where I am done with the so called toughest assignment ever, my MOCK TEACHING. 
Yeah, I am done with it! 
I won't deny that I've undergone the most frightening moments in my life other than waiting for my examination results. Anyhow, I found out that it was something very important for me for my real teaching in future.
My personal experience of being an 'one day teacher' for my friends. 
p/s: Thanks Nanthinni for snapping this picture. :)

It had been two weeks of mock teaching sessions completed and what I can say about my friends' attempts during this session is AWESOME. Yeah, they did their job very well and their dedications are highly appreciated. In other word, they are those who had motivated me for my mock teaching. They helped me to improve my self-confidence and courage to stand in front of all the students to teach them. As a result, I was really honoured to be able to teach in a correct manner. Although I was very nervous and shaky, my spirit to teach never ever decreased. What popped into my mind is as this is my very first attempt to teach, I made use of this chance as a good platform for me to rectify anything that I can before entering the real teaching world with those experienced senior teachers. That is not going to be easy as what I did now. Anyway, I will be surely strive for the best in future,

In my opinion, each and every friend of mine did their very best during their mock teaching. At this moment, I would like to congratulate each of them for their dedications and patience in acting like a teacher. I must say that they do look like real teachers when they teach. They've stolen my attention during their turn for teaching. They should be praised for their very first trial in teaching. But those friends who stolen my heart by the way they teach were Dens Lee and Nanthinni. 

It can be said that I've no any basic knowledge about Economics as I were a science stream student in both SPM and STPM time. So, I really don't know stuffs inside the economics subject. But after Dens Lee explained about chapter 2 in economics subject, I could really relate it with the current life. He made that chapter 2 very easy and simple to be understood. There were no any notes presented in slides or been written on the white board. He just explained by making some stuffs via himself by the use of colour papers and just pasted on the white board. The unique style of that notes driven our attention towards his teaching. We can't really take our eyes from the way he presented his notes. It may seem like classic style but it do make sense in driving our interest and attention. His colourful handbook for exercise is also something very attractive for us as students to get to know about the topic. We can really answer the questions by the explanations given by Dens Lee himself. And not forgetting the building cut out he made by himself and a bunch of grapes which were used to explain the examples of stuffs in topic 2. It was very easy for me to understand the particular topic well. That was also the highlight of his mock teaching. And the way he dressed was also something that would attract anyone as he's already handsome adding on with his classy look as a teacher. All that I can say about Dens Lee's mock teaching is EXTRAORDINARY!

Other than Dens Lee, I found out that Nanthinni's style of teaching Mathematics in Polygons also attracted me. She used a student-centered approach where she made students to involve directly into the teaching and learning session. The efforts that she took to prepare stuff to make students understand the Polygons topic should be praised. Her efforts were paid off where we can understand well about the topic although I was not in touch with the chapter for past two years. The way she explained stuffs about polygons gives a clear version of understandings about the particular topic. The exercises she has given also very simple yet can enhance our ideas on how to answer the questions in examination. Her strict behaviour can be said as one of the best part as we as the so called students do paid attention towards her. Although she looks very soft, her strict behaviour has driven the session pretty good.  
Nanthinni during her mock teaching session. 
Those were my opinions based on my mock teaching experiences. As we know, there will be the positive sides and negative sides in everything. So, it depends on us to alter it in a good manner. All my friends have done their mock teaching very well to their best. There's nothing to be criticized about their efforts. But as a gentle reminder for my friends, they should make their voices louder to make students to be controlled easily. If their voices are soft, students can't be controlled and they will not listen to their teachers. On the other hand, when the teacher teaches the students by just using notes and white board, the entire session can be said as boring. The use of smaller fonts when they present their teaching materials in the form of manila card or else as a PowerPoint slides should be avoided. They should use bigger fonts instead of those smaller fonts. This is because, some students might can't see those smaller words clearly. For instance, there will be some students who usually sit at the back of the class. So, surely they won't be able to see those words clearly and that will cause them not to focus throughout the class. Therefore, the teachers should avoid those things stated above to provide an interesting teaching and learning session which will be loved by students as well. The use of videos in order to enhance students' interest can be said as an effective way though as how been used by Abirami. This is because students will be attracted towards the particular topic when there are the availability of visualized stuffs. Otherwise, everything was fine indeed and awesome to the maximum. 

I would like to convey my heartiest wishes for my friends from Pedagogy in Education class. And thanks for your cooperation during my mock teaching session. Not leaving behind Madam Ng, thank you madam for your kindness and also for giving this precious chance for us to develop our talents as a future educator. Merry Christmas everyone! 

Thank you. :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Seventh Reflection ~ "MOCK TEACHING Preparation"


This term not only scares me to the hell and most of my friends experience that kind of feelings too. It is something like nightmare for us where we are going to teach. This is not a new scenario where most of the future educators will feel this type of anxiety before getting along with their students in the classroom. 

Yeah, we are going to TEACH !!! 
Until now, I couldn't believe that I'm going to teach my college mates who are the so called students for that one particular day. It's going to be very interesting and also challenging as well. I'm waiting with full of faith on myself. Yeah, I can do it ! :)

It is the very first step before engaging fully into the real teaching profession in two years time. Although for now we are only going to teach in front of our college mates, the nervous feelings can't be substituted by anything else. One thing that was confirmed is we are going to TEACH ! I will stay positive that I can do this given task successfully with the God's grace. 
Perfect ways for modern teachers in teaching. 
Teaching the students during this sophisticated era is not something that can be said easy. Yeah, not that easy as it may seem !

Children nowadays are way more talented and knowledgeable compared to those during the 90's era. All I can do is keep faith in myself and keep on rocking as an educator in coming two years. As a modern teacher to be, I have to be very clear in what am I going to be delivered to my students. While looking at the ways we are studying now compared to those in the era of 90's, it urged me to think out of the box in order to get the full attention of students in order to make the teaching and learning session interesting and meaningful as well. 

Now, let us go to the main topic of today's post which is about the heart of our Pedagogy in Education subject, the 'MOCK TEACHING'.
The nervous and anxiety that I felt can
be portrayed as this image.


Oh God, how am I going to create a success in this task?

Everything going to be well. :)

This can be said as the very first attempt of mine entering into the world of teaching. As I haven't been a teacher or tutor before, it created mixed feelings inside me. I even have never been in a situation as a tuition teacher before during my holidays. All that I did is just helping my friends whenever they did not understand about certain topic. I never thought that those experiences were helpful for me now. All that I could say before I start is all is going to be well.
The first and foremost preparation that I've done for my mock teaching session is none other than the lesson plan. Now I understood the specialty of a well planned lesson plan in order to facilitate a better teaching and learning session between the teacher and also the students. A lesson plan is also very important in order to fix things correctly where the teachers will be able to teach their students as per what they have planned in their lesson plan. There will be no any confusion occur as the teachers are able to conduct their teaching session as planned earlier.
Aside from lesson plan, I also have think about the effective ways that I could come up with to get the students full attention. For instance, I have got an idea where I planned to use visualized materials such as the use of short videos, animated caricatures, role play and etc in my classroom to get my students' interest and attention. I also planned to use colourful, short and simple notes for students to make it easy for them to understand and to apply.
On the other hand, I had used few websites and blogs of few teachers as my reference to enhance my knowledge well on my mock teaching. Those stuffs included by the writers do enhanced my ideas on how I can facilitate an effective way of teaching the students. I also have learnt that patience is the utmost thing a teacher should master in order to get along with the students. So, I have used some of their ideas with mine as well in order to come up with better planned mock teaching materials.

Those were my preparations for my Mock Teaching where my turn will be on 22nd December 2015. I am eagerly waiting for my turn to teach. :)

Thank You. :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Sixth Reflection

Today's topic was about EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. At first, I was nervous little bit as I haven't read anything regarding the topic before. Anyhow, after Madam Ng discussed about it, I can really relate the topic with what I should do as a future educator. 
Yeah! That's what portrayed as the classroom management. 

      Classroom Management !!!     What is that ??? 

 How is that related to teachers ??? 

Based on my opinion in Padlet on Tuesday, I can wrap up that classroom management is what the teachers are assigned to do with the classroom given to them in order to maintain the smoothness of the teaching and learning process in that particular year. Every year, the teachers will be given different classes to hold and to concern on. So, it is not necessary for the particular teacher to get only the high achievers classes. They can also have the low achievers classes. What matters in this classroom management is the willingness of the teachers to take care the given classroom without any discrimination.

It will give negative impacts to the entire classroom whenever there is no effective classroom management. There will be no discipline among the students and the classroom will be not in order as the following image.
This is what will happen if the there is lack of effective classroom management.

I can say that this topic is something that every teachers need in their entire life as educators. A classroom is the place where a teacher will be in-charged to take care of the entire students in the perspective classroom. Teachers are the second parents for the students as the students spend most of their time in school with teachers.

Now let us jump into the given task which is to list and explain the classroom rules which I will put for my class students.As I chose to teach the Form 1 students in my previous lesson plan, I will use the class where I should put rules for the classroom. Form 1 students are very new to the era of secondary schooling. So as a teacher, I have to be as much as passionate and patient to handle the students' behaviour. Rules seem to be very serious right? It can be said as the do's and don'ts in classroom too especially for the students. Its not easy to be a teacher and to handle the students' naughtiness. Generally, Form 1 students will be more naughtier than other form students as they are the so called 'new comers' for the world of secondary schooling era and it will take time for them to come out from their primary schooling life where they might been very childish. Changing and making them to adapt themselves into the secondary schooling era is not that easy as it seemed to be. It all depends on the classroom teacher whom is responsible for that. 

Something that caught my eyes!
Simpler version of classroom rules that each student should obey.

Okay, now let's get indulged in the classroom rules that I'm going to post here in order to make an effective classroom management. The rules that are stated below will be the rules that I will make sure my students to follow in classroom. I'll be doing around 12 simple classroom rules where every student should obey. They were what I've followed during my schooling period. :)
Have a look on it! 

Why should students raise their hands to speak or answer?
This is how students can show their respect towards the teacher and the fellow students. This rule will ease the teachers to know which student is going to answer or to ask question. This also will help students to be disciplined. On the other hand, this rule will lead into smoothness in teaching and learning process.

One of the must have criteria among students is to complete the works given on time given by their teachers. This is prevent the students to rush at the last minute to complete their works. This also will make the works being done by the students to be clear as what the teacher asked. When the students rush to do their works given, they will either do it in a very bad manner or else they will copy their  friends' works. This is definitely not a good job to be done by students. Moreover, this will teach the students about time management which they will be using in their entire life. 


Being polite, courteous and respectful is one of the utmost important rules where this teaches students something regarding good values in their life. They will not only will use these kind of vales in classroom, but also at outside the classroom. A good student will be finalized by his or her good values that are being portrayed in the public. No matter how much the person is educated in this world, without good values, he or she cannot reach success in his or her life. That's how good values play roles in students' life. 


Being a good friend to everyone is the main thing that a student have to do. Being friend with someone is not that hard. We should always remember that 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'. There's nothing can be done without teamwork which is so called friendship. We cannot deny that friendship is the main thing a student need in his or her life. A friend will help to guide something that we don't know and will be a better companion. Whenever it comes to group tasks, there must be a bonding between students called friendship in order to collaborate together to find solution for the task given. 


This is the best way to respect others while they are speaking. Students should follow up this step in their classroom. This is to respect their fellow friends while they are speaking in the classroom. This will help students to discipline themselves. Listening quietly to others while speaking will not only show respect but also will give students the sufficient knowledge they needed. 


Instructions of teachers are the one that matters in the teaching and learning process. Students should always respect their teachers where they have to listen and follow what the teacher is instructing. If students do exactly how the teacher asked to do, there will be no problem in their learning process. There will be no any misunderstandings too among the students' understandings. 


Nothing in this world can be achieved without hard work. There is a quote saying 'hard work pays off'. That is very true. Students should always work hard no matter what happens in order to succeed. Working hard in every situation will give a successful return. So, students should take this as an example and keep on moving forward in their studies and life. 


This is something that the students must do daily. Duty rooster is made for the smoothness in cleaning the classroom without any troubles and discrimination. Each and everyone in the classrooms should do their duty based on the duty roosters to keep the classroom cleanliness in a better manner. 


It is very crucial for students to take care of their own things and also to respect others' things as well. If they keep their things safely, there will be no anyone to steal their things. They also should remember that they should not take others' things too. Students should always respect others' things and not taking it without the owner's acknowledgement. 

Safety in classroom is very important among students. We don't know what will happen during the next second. Students should be always remember that classroom is not field to run all the way. It can be very dangerous if the students fell down. I know that students from primary will be childish at first as they are still new to the secondary schooling era. Anyhow it's my duty to ensure their safety in classroom and school. I hope that this rule will be always followed by students. 

Screaming and shouting in the classroom is a very immature habits. Students should never shout in the classroom either the teacher is in the classroom or not in the classroom. I didn't deny that students are still young and childish, but they should avoid acting like small children though. The responsibility lies on classroom teacher to improve that kind of situation. And for that, I will surely do my responsibility without hurting my students as well. 


This is another rule that a students should obey in the classroom. Chewing gums is not a wrong deed but it should be done in classroom. That's what I'm highlighting here. If a student chews gum in classroom, most probably it will make his or her other friends to follow that. Then, one by one will be playing by spitting it onto other friends. This will lead into misunderstandings among them and most probably they might fight with each other. That's what that shouldn't happen in a classroom students should respect each other rather than fighting with each other. 

Those are the classroom rules that I will put for my Form 1 students in order to discipline them and to to make the management of the classroom runs smoothly. 
Thank you :)

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Fifth Reflection

This time I am going to share my views about PowerPoint PRESENTATION to you all.
Okay, now let's see what is meant by PowerPoint presentation briefly. After that I'll explain the ways for creating an effective PowerPoint Presentation.


What is a PowerPoint presentation? 

The term 'PowerPoint Presentation' was coined when Microsoft introduced its software program, PowerPoint. PowerPoint is commonly used by presenters as a digital aid when presenting the particular topic to audience. PowerPoint is also the most used presentation software program. 

Now let us go to the main part that I've to discuss about. It is not other than the EFFECTIVE WAYS TO CREATE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION.

There are seven steps that I had discovered for making an effective PowerPoint presentation for teachers to enhance their knowledge as stated below:
1.) You should not choose backgrounds which are very colourful for your presentation. 
2.) You should try to avoid using clip arts or animated pictures. Anyhow, you can try real pictures that are related to that particular topic.
3.) You should not always start your presentation with notes. You can try other approach to attract the students' attention where you can use any images which will give students a brief idea on what you are going to teach in classroom.
4.) You should use the appropriate font styles where students should be able to read it. On the other hand, make sure that the font sizes are standard. For instance, you can use sizes from 20 to 25 in your presentation. 
5.) Make sure that you include the important facts only in your presentation. This is to prevent your presentation from being boring for the students. 
6.) You should never ever squeeze everything in only one slide as this will lead into clumsiness of your presentation slides. In order to prevent that kind of situation, you can try to elaborate the points accordingly in different slides. This will make sense. 
7.) You should also make it as local as possible. This means that you have to refer to Malaysian presentation styles of examples. This is to ease all kind of students to understand your presentation slides. 

They were the seven utmost important parts in making an effective PowerPoint presentation. As a future educator, this do helped me in enhancing my ideas on how I should make PowerPoint presentation as well as how to grab students' attentions too. 

And not forgetting the girl who had helped me in guiding to complete this fifth reflection, Sherenne Ann Thomas. I would like to thank her for the patience and kindness in helping me to brief everything what happened in Pedagogy in Education class last Monday. I were not able to attend the class due to my other project work. I also would like to thank Madam Ng for her kindness where she do let me to complete my fifth reflection although I did not attend the Monday's class. 

Thank you. :)

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Fourth Reflection

There are actually three parts in a lesson plan. they are the pre-teaching session, during the teaching session and also the post-teaching session.


In my opinion, the utmost part that should be given more attention will be during the lesson takes place. It means that the session while the class is being conducted is the important part. This session can be said as the very effective part where the whole process of teaching and learning will be conducted. This will foresee what the students actually learn from their teachers.

This period is where the teacher teaches the lesson in detail. This is the perfect time for teachers to give their students the sufficient amount of knowledge they need in that particular topic. Worksheets will be given to enhance the students knowledge on what the teacher had been taught in classroom.
In my opinion, teachers should use unique ways to catch their students' attraction during the teaching session. On the other hand, students should be given in-class activities too as something that will be strengthening the students' knowledge on that particular subject matter.

That's what I felt from what I've learnt.
Thank you. :)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Third Reflection; What I've Learnt ?

Last Tuesday's class was mostly about ' LESSON PLAN'. I must say that it was a very enjoyable class as our works are not only done by hearing our Madam Ng's lecture, but also by experiencing by ourselves as well. It is where we discussed about what a lesson plan should consist of. We were grouped into three people in a group and assigned to create a lesson plan template by our own. 

Huh, LESSON PLAN ??? Oh my god, how am I going to do it? It's going to be very tough. 
That was my first reaction when I heard it. 
Lesson Plan???
Anyhow, after receiving sufficient information on how to create a lesson plan from our discussion with Madam Ng, the fear inside me flew away. It is not that hard to create a lesson plan. During the discussion, I remembered back what I've learnt about lesson plan during Curriculum Development class, last semester. Based on the information provided, guidance from internet and our knowledge, we successfully done with our own lesson plan. 

                        Our lesson plan.
Now let us see what a lesson plan is. We often hear or see that word, lesson plan during our schooling period where our teachers used to bring a big hard covered book on which lesson plan word is written. It can be said that there will be no any teacher without this lesson plan. 

Why lesson plan is crucial for a teacher?

A teacher's teaching plan is the utmost thing that he or she should have in order to conduct the teaching process in classroom. And that is called a 'LESSON PLAN'. It is very important for a teacher to have a better planned lesson plan to facilitate their teaching session in classroom to run well. 

I've got few strategies in order to create an effective lesson plan which do make me to understand well. As a future educator, I fond out that these steps will really help me in future when I became a teacher. 

Those steps will be helpful for everyone who is aiming to become a teacher. There is no such things as tough and hard. If we try, we will surely be successful. 

Thank you. :) 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Second Reflection

This is going to be my second reflection where I'm here to share my opinion about the teaching methods regarding a selected subject.

Last Tuesday's class was about School of Thought topic. I've learnt many new things about the three important theories which were the cognitive, behavioral and humanistic theories along with the teaching methods for the three theories as well. And that enhanced my thought about which way I should use in my teaching process when I became a teacher. 

Yeah! I am. 
As I'm going to major in Language for my bachelor's program, I've chosen teaching methods which were highlighted in HUMANISTIC THEORY of learning. This is because that particular theory given me various new and unique ideas on how I can conduct my teaching session later on in the classroom. As nowadays students are very advanced and observant, I have to be prepared well before entering the classroom. Is that English language seems harder? Absolutely no! Learning English language is actually fun. 

 English is Fun ! 

These are all about English Language. 

Now let us jump into the learning theory of HUMANISTIC SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. 

Humanistic education is mostly about the social psychology. It revolves around social and emotional. Based on my understandings, humanistic education is all about person-centered teaching where empathy, caring about students and genuineness are seen as the key points of effective teachers who shape their students' future into a brighter one. 

Humanistic Theories

A teacher should be able to fulfill his or her students' needs as that is the major role that was assigned to them. This reminds me of the Maslow's Hierarchy where it had been stated that the lower needs should be achieved in order to achieve the other needs accordingly as per the pyramid. Teachers should be able to help their students to be able to understand the pyramid well. Based on Maslow, the drive for learn is intrinsic. The purpose of learning is to bring about self-actualization and the goals of educators should include this process. So, it is clearly shown that teachers should play a vital role in helping students to achieve the self-actualization level throughout the learning process that occurs. A humanist teacher is a facilitator and not only as knowledge disseminator. 

Now let me discuss about the teaching methods that had been highlighted throughout this humanistic education theory.

The teaching method that really do caught my mind and heart is the MORAL EDUCATION. As we know, Moral education is considered as the most important thing that a students should learn in school. Although students will be enlighten about this kind of education informally by parents, teacher do have their own responsibility in order to give them detailed ideas on what is actually moral education is. This is not only a Moral subject teacher's role, but every teachers should be able to implement the education to their students. Moral education revolves around good values that we should possess to make us to be more responsible towards our life. A teacher can be the best one to teach the students about the important values. For instance, teacher should portray the values during the teaching sessions. They should separate the students into few groups where there will be cooperative learning among them. It will be very useful in order to cultivate the spirit of being together in any situations. We can't deny that we can learn more effectively via cooperative learning. 

Thank you! See you soon. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Yeah ! A TEACHER is the HERO of his or her STUDENTS.

This picture about a teacher caught my eyes and heart once I saw it. It made my day. This shows how much a teacher plays his or her roles in order to shape the students’ life. Teachers seemed to be the utmost important part in the students’ life as they are involved directly in shaping their future. Even the world’s utmost famous persons were also created by the efforts of teachers. Even for me, my teachers are the real life heroes and heroines after my parents. Teachers were my second parents where I spent most of my time in school rather than being at home. 
Teachers create the foundation of their students upon which they will build the rest of their lives. They do influence the future of the students and also affect the collective future of all of humanity for generations. They also write the pages of who their students believe they are, what they believe they are capable of and who they choose to be and become. 
Teachers do also have the ability to have profound impacts on students' lives in the present and far into the future. 

I would again like to say that;

Thank you for joining me again. Coming soon with another post regarding teachers. Until then bye ! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The First Reflection.

My experiences and lessons learnt by setting up my blogspot and Windows Live Writer. 

It was a new experience for me to create a blog for myself. When Madam Eng briefed us about the first assignment to create a blog and to update our blog by posting our reflections, I was really shocked as I am not very up-to-dated with technologies and gadgets as much as youngsters nowadays. Anyhow, I finally cope up until I successfully done with it. Creating a blog is not as hard as it seemed. But I won't be able to complete it without Madam Eng and my other friends' help. Same goes to the Windows Live Writer. It was something new for me but anyhow I managed to explore the stuffs in blogs and get used to it the next day. And now I can do things better in blog hence posting this reflection as  my third post. 

The 4 simple ways to create a blog are as the below image: 

Ways to create a blog easily. 
This is what I felt after successfully finishing the setup of my blog and the Windows Live Writer as well
I had learnt few lessons while creating those blog and Windows Live Writer. It taught me to be independent in doing something that will be useful for me. This is where we will remember something by doing it by our own. Although I've done many mistakes, I still managed to try it again and again until I'm done with the task. 

Other than that, this also taught me to be up-to-date in new technologies and gadgets as they are very important in my future career. As a teacher to be, I need to be very familiar with new technologies as this world is now heading to a very sophisticated way of teaching and learning methods. Students are now more keen to use new technologies during their learning session. So, as a teacher, I should fulfill their needs and must go with them in their track in order to get along with them. By knowing their needs and interest, I can surely make a huge difference in the academic and also in the life of my students. I am hoping the best to get along with these new technologies where this will help me in future to handle my students who are more prone to sophisticated technologies. Moreover, I learnt that helping friends who are in need also will help us to generate unique ideas. This is because I found out that I could learn new things from my friends while helping and while talking with them regarding this blog matters. 

Thank You. :)