Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Seventh Reflection ~ "MOCK TEACHING Preparation"


This term not only scares me to the hell and most of my friends experience that kind of feelings too. It is something like nightmare for us where we are going to teach. This is not a new scenario where most of the future educators will feel this type of anxiety before getting along with their students in the classroom. 

Yeah, we are going to TEACH !!! 
Until now, I couldn't believe that I'm going to teach my college mates who are the so called students for that one particular day. It's going to be very interesting and also challenging as well. I'm waiting with full of faith on myself. Yeah, I can do it ! :)

It is the very first step before engaging fully into the real teaching profession in two years time. Although for now we are only going to teach in front of our college mates, the nervous feelings can't be substituted by anything else. One thing that was confirmed is we are going to TEACH ! I will stay positive that I can do this given task successfully with the God's grace. 
Perfect ways for modern teachers in teaching. 
Teaching the students during this sophisticated era is not something that can be said easy. Yeah, not that easy as it may seem !

Children nowadays are way more talented and knowledgeable compared to those during the 90's era. All I can do is keep faith in myself and keep on rocking as an educator in coming two years. As a modern teacher to be, I have to be very clear in what am I going to be delivered to my students. While looking at the ways we are studying now compared to those in the era of 90's, it urged me to think out of the box in order to get the full attention of students in order to make the teaching and learning session interesting and meaningful as well. 

Now, let us go to the main topic of today's post which is about the heart of our Pedagogy in Education subject, the 'MOCK TEACHING'.
The nervous and anxiety that I felt can
be portrayed as this image.


Oh God, how am I going to create a success in this task?

Everything going to be well. :)

This can be said as the very first attempt of mine entering into the world of teaching. As I haven't been a teacher or tutor before, it created mixed feelings inside me. I even have never been in a situation as a tuition teacher before during my holidays. All that I did is just helping my friends whenever they did not understand about certain topic. I never thought that those experiences were helpful for me now. All that I could say before I start is all is going to be well.
The first and foremost preparation that I've done for my mock teaching session is none other than the lesson plan. Now I understood the specialty of a well planned lesson plan in order to facilitate a better teaching and learning session between the teacher and also the students. A lesson plan is also very important in order to fix things correctly where the teachers will be able to teach their students as per what they have planned in their lesson plan. There will be no any confusion occur as the teachers are able to conduct their teaching session as planned earlier.
Aside from lesson plan, I also have think about the effective ways that I could come up with to get the students full attention. For instance, I have got an idea where I planned to use visualized materials such as the use of short videos, animated caricatures, role play and etc in my classroom to get my students' interest and attention. I also planned to use colourful, short and simple notes for students to make it easy for them to understand and to apply.
On the other hand, I had used few websites and blogs of few teachers as my reference to enhance my knowledge well on my mock teaching. Those stuffs included by the writers do enhanced my ideas on how I can facilitate an effective way of teaching the students. I also have learnt that patience is the utmost thing a teacher should master in order to get along with the students. So, I have used some of their ideas with mine as well in order to come up with better planned mock teaching materials.

Those were my preparations for my Mock Teaching where my turn will be on 22nd December 2015. I am eagerly waiting for my turn to teach. :)

Thank You. :)

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