Thursday, October 22, 2015

The First Reflection.

My experiences and lessons learnt by setting up my blogspot and Windows Live Writer. 

It was a new experience for me to create a blog for myself. When Madam Eng briefed us about the first assignment to create a blog and to update our blog by posting our reflections, I was really shocked as I am not very up-to-dated with technologies and gadgets as much as youngsters nowadays. Anyhow, I finally cope up until I successfully done with it. Creating a blog is not as hard as it seemed. But I won't be able to complete it without Madam Eng and my other friends' help. Same goes to the Windows Live Writer. It was something new for me but anyhow I managed to explore the stuffs in blogs and get used to it the next day. And now I can do things better in blog hence posting this reflection as  my third post. 

The 4 simple ways to create a blog are as the below image: 

Ways to create a blog easily. 
This is what I felt after successfully finishing the setup of my blog and the Windows Live Writer as well
I had learnt few lessons while creating those blog and Windows Live Writer. It taught me to be independent in doing something that will be useful for me. This is where we will remember something by doing it by our own. Although I've done many mistakes, I still managed to try it again and again until I'm done with the task. 

Other than that, this also taught me to be up-to-date in new technologies and gadgets as they are very important in my future career. As a teacher to be, I need to be very familiar with new technologies as this world is now heading to a very sophisticated way of teaching and learning methods. Students are now more keen to use new technologies during their learning session. So, as a teacher, I should fulfill their needs and must go with them in their track in order to get along with them. By knowing their needs and interest, I can surely make a huge difference in the academic and also in the life of my students. I am hoping the best to get along with these new technologies where this will help me in future to handle my students who are more prone to sophisticated technologies. Moreover, I learnt that helping friends who are in need also will help us to generate unique ideas. This is because I found out that I could learn new things from my friends while helping and while talking with them regarding this blog matters. 

Thank You. :)

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