Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Third Reflection; What I've Learnt ?

Last Tuesday's class was mostly about ' LESSON PLAN'. I must say that it was a very enjoyable class as our works are not only done by hearing our Madam Ng's lecture, but also by experiencing by ourselves as well. It is where we discussed about what a lesson plan should consist of. We were grouped into three people in a group and assigned to create a lesson plan template by our own. 

Huh, LESSON PLAN ??? Oh my god, how am I going to do it? It's going to be very tough. 
That was my first reaction when I heard it. 
Lesson Plan???
Anyhow, after receiving sufficient information on how to create a lesson plan from our discussion with Madam Ng, the fear inside me flew away. It is not that hard to create a lesson plan. During the discussion, I remembered back what I've learnt about lesson plan during Curriculum Development class, last semester. Based on the information provided, guidance from internet and our knowledge, we successfully done with our own lesson plan. 

                        Our lesson plan.
Now let us see what a lesson plan is. We often hear or see that word, lesson plan during our schooling period where our teachers used to bring a big hard covered book on which lesson plan word is written. It can be said that there will be no any teacher without this lesson plan. 

Why lesson plan is crucial for a teacher?

A teacher's teaching plan is the utmost thing that he or she should have in order to conduct the teaching process in classroom. And that is called a 'LESSON PLAN'. It is very important for a teacher to have a better planned lesson plan to facilitate their teaching session in classroom to run well. 

I've got few strategies in order to create an effective lesson plan which do make me to understand well. As a future educator, I fond out that these steps will really help me in future when I became a teacher. 

Those steps will be helpful for everyone who is aiming to become a teacher. There is no such things as tough and hard. If we try, we will surely be successful. 

Thank you. :) 

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