Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Eighth Reflection


I am so glad to share my feelings here where I am done with the so called toughest assignment ever, my MOCK TEACHING. 
Yeah, I am done with it! 
I won't deny that I've undergone the most frightening moments in my life other than waiting for my examination results. Anyhow, I found out that it was something very important for me for my real teaching in future.
My personal experience of being an 'one day teacher' for my friends. 
p/s: Thanks Nanthinni for snapping this picture. :)

It had been two weeks of mock teaching sessions completed and what I can say about my friends' attempts during this session is AWESOME. Yeah, they did their job very well and their dedications are highly appreciated. In other word, they are those who had motivated me for my mock teaching. They helped me to improve my self-confidence and courage to stand in front of all the students to teach them. As a result, I was really honoured to be able to teach in a correct manner. Although I was very nervous and shaky, my spirit to teach never ever decreased. What popped into my mind is as this is my very first attempt to teach, I made use of this chance as a good platform for me to rectify anything that I can before entering the real teaching world with those experienced senior teachers. That is not going to be easy as what I did now. Anyway, I will be surely strive for the best in future,

In my opinion, each and every friend of mine did their very best during their mock teaching. At this moment, I would like to congratulate each of them for their dedications and patience in acting like a teacher. I must say that they do look like real teachers when they teach. They've stolen my attention during their turn for teaching. They should be praised for their very first trial in teaching. But those friends who stolen my heart by the way they teach were Dens Lee and Nanthinni. 

It can be said that I've no any basic knowledge about Economics as I were a science stream student in both SPM and STPM time. So, I really don't know stuffs inside the economics subject. But after Dens Lee explained about chapter 2 in economics subject, I could really relate it with the current life. He made that chapter 2 very easy and simple to be understood. There were no any notes presented in slides or been written on the white board. He just explained by making some stuffs via himself by the use of colour papers and just pasted on the white board. The unique style of that notes driven our attention towards his teaching. We can't really take our eyes from the way he presented his notes. It may seem like classic style but it do make sense in driving our interest and attention. His colourful handbook for exercise is also something very attractive for us as students to get to know about the topic. We can really answer the questions by the explanations given by Dens Lee himself. And not forgetting the building cut out he made by himself and a bunch of grapes which were used to explain the examples of stuffs in topic 2. It was very easy for me to understand the particular topic well. That was also the highlight of his mock teaching. And the way he dressed was also something that would attract anyone as he's already handsome adding on with his classy look as a teacher. All that I can say about Dens Lee's mock teaching is EXTRAORDINARY!

Other than Dens Lee, I found out that Nanthinni's style of teaching Mathematics in Polygons also attracted me. She used a student-centered approach where she made students to involve directly into the teaching and learning session. The efforts that she took to prepare stuff to make students understand the Polygons topic should be praised. Her efforts were paid off where we can understand well about the topic although I was not in touch with the chapter for past two years. The way she explained stuffs about polygons gives a clear version of understandings about the particular topic. The exercises she has given also very simple yet can enhance our ideas on how to answer the questions in examination. Her strict behaviour can be said as one of the best part as we as the so called students do paid attention towards her. Although she looks very soft, her strict behaviour has driven the session pretty good.  
Nanthinni during her mock teaching session. 
Those were my opinions based on my mock teaching experiences. As we know, there will be the positive sides and negative sides in everything. So, it depends on us to alter it in a good manner. All my friends have done their mock teaching very well to their best. There's nothing to be criticized about their efforts. But as a gentle reminder for my friends, they should make their voices louder to make students to be controlled easily. If their voices are soft, students can't be controlled and they will not listen to their teachers. On the other hand, when the teacher teaches the students by just using notes and white board, the entire session can be said as boring. The use of smaller fonts when they present their teaching materials in the form of manila card or else as a PowerPoint slides should be avoided. They should use bigger fonts instead of those smaller fonts. This is because, some students might can't see those smaller words clearly. For instance, there will be some students who usually sit at the back of the class. So, surely they won't be able to see those words clearly and that will cause them not to focus throughout the class. Therefore, the teachers should avoid those things stated above to provide an interesting teaching and learning session which will be loved by students as well. The use of videos in order to enhance students' interest can be said as an effective way though as how been used by Abirami. This is because students will be attracted towards the particular topic when there are the availability of visualized stuffs. Otherwise, everything was fine indeed and awesome to the maximum. 

I would like to convey my heartiest wishes for my friends from Pedagogy in Education class. And thanks for your cooperation during my mock teaching session. Not leaving behind Madam Ng, thank you madam for your kindness and also for giving this precious chance for us to develop our talents as a future educator. Merry Christmas everyone! 

Thank you. :)


  1. Mythili... your blog looks attractive and fulfilled a lot of information as well.. Keep it up this good work dude..:)
    Anyways its nice to read about your mock teaching experience also...
    Good Luck for future yah..:)

    1. Thanks a tonne Jeni. It's indeed a pleasure to have a supporting friend like you. We will achieve together. Strive for the best. All the very best for your finals! See you soon as an educator! :)

  2. Wah...I really like the way u explain your reflection..its very knowledgeable.. Btw u also done it well...I like your mock teaching its very interesting....

    1. Hey Dens, thanks a lot buddy. Good luck for your future undertakings. :)
