Monday, October 26, 2015

Yeah ! A TEACHER is the HERO of his or her STUDENTS.

This picture about a teacher caught my eyes and heart once I saw it. It made my day. This shows how much a teacher plays his or her roles in order to shape the students’ life. Teachers seemed to be the utmost important part in the students’ life as they are involved directly in shaping their future. Even the world’s utmost famous persons were also created by the efforts of teachers. Even for me, my teachers are the real life heroes and heroines after my parents. Teachers were my second parents where I spent most of my time in school rather than being at home. 
Teachers create the foundation of their students upon which they will build the rest of their lives. They do influence the future of the students and also affect the collective future of all of humanity for generations. They also write the pages of who their students believe they are, what they believe they are capable of and who they choose to be and become. 
Teachers do also have the ability to have profound impacts on students' lives in the present and far into the future. 

I would again like to say that;

Thank you for joining me again. Coming soon with another post regarding teachers. Until then bye ! :)

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