Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Ninth Reflection~ The Final Reflection

PEDAGOGY IN EDUCATION, ESEB 2064 comes to an end!

This course can be considered as one of the best courses ever I had throughout these four semesters. This course headed me towards the real world of teaching. The course's name itself contains the word 'education' where it emphasizes more towards teaching. As we all are going to be future educators soon, this course indeed a very good platform to enhance our knowledge about teaching. As I had mentioned earlier in one of my reflections, either the process of becoming a teacher or the profession of a teacher can never be underestimated. I get to know it once I stepped into my Degree program. Most of us might think that teaching is considered as an easy job. But that is absolutely wrong. Not everyone can become a teacher. Those people with passion towards teaching only can enter the world of educators. Although teaching is not my passion once upon a time, but now I found that it's my destiny. Day by day, I'm getting myself familiarized with this choice of being an educator. And not forgetting this course, Pedagogy in Education which do help me to realize what I should do after I became an educator. 

I have discovered a vast range of knowledge regarding how I should monitor my students not only during the teaching and learning session, but even in the classroom management too. I understood that teachers not only assigned to teach the students, but they are also the second parents for the students. The full responsibility to take a good care of students lies on the teachers. As a teacher, I should be able to balance myself in order to prevent problems. 

I seriously adore the way our lecturer, Madam Ng Huey Zher delivered the course materials to us. It was indeed a great honour to have her as our lecturer. The patience she had to bear with us is something that should be praised. The full commitment given by Madam Ng towards us had helped us to understand and get indulged into this course well. As a result, it can be said that we are very clear of our responsibilities that we should carry as educators in future. Thanks a tonne Madam Ng for your hardwork to shape us into better future educators. And not leaving behind your valuable comments and wishes for us as well.

Lastly, I would like to thank to all my friends for being a huge support for me to complete all the tasks together flawlessly. I appreciate each and every of you guys.
See you all as real teachers soon.

Thank you. :)



  1. Hey Mythili! Wow, I really love your blog! You have many in-depth write ups that are very nice to read. I felt the same way as you do about being uncertain about being a teacher in the beginning. But now especially after going throught this course, I also feel that I'm being steered in the right path. Glad to be classmates with a passionate aspiring educator like you! All the best for finals! :)

  2. Haha,thanks a tonne Sheevaanni. Appreciate it a lot. Blessed to have you as my classmate too. Good luck for your finals girl. See you soon as an educator! :)
