Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Second Reflection

This is going to be my second reflection where I'm here to share my opinion about the teaching methods regarding a selected subject.

Last Tuesday's class was about School of Thought topic. I've learnt many new things about the three important theories which were the cognitive, behavioral and humanistic theories along with the teaching methods for the three theories as well. And that enhanced my thought about which way I should use in my teaching process when I became a teacher. 

Yeah! I am. 
As I'm going to major in Language for my bachelor's program, I've chosen teaching methods which were highlighted in HUMANISTIC THEORY of learning. This is because that particular theory given me various new and unique ideas on how I can conduct my teaching session later on in the classroom. As nowadays students are very advanced and observant, I have to be prepared well before entering the classroom. Is that English language seems harder? Absolutely no! Learning English language is actually fun. 

 English is Fun ! 

These are all about English Language. 

Now let us jump into the learning theory of HUMANISTIC SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. 

Humanistic education is mostly about the social psychology. It revolves around social and emotional. Based on my understandings, humanistic education is all about person-centered teaching where empathy, caring about students and genuineness are seen as the key points of effective teachers who shape their students' future into a brighter one. 

Humanistic Theories

A teacher should be able to fulfill his or her students' needs as that is the major role that was assigned to them. This reminds me of the Maslow's Hierarchy where it had been stated that the lower needs should be achieved in order to achieve the other needs accordingly as per the pyramid. Teachers should be able to help their students to be able to understand the pyramid well. Based on Maslow, the drive for learn is intrinsic. The purpose of learning is to bring about self-actualization and the goals of educators should include this process. So, it is clearly shown that teachers should play a vital role in helping students to achieve the self-actualization level throughout the learning process that occurs. A humanist teacher is a facilitator and not only as knowledge disseminator. 

Now let me discuss about the teaching methods that had been highlighted throughout this humanistic education theory.

The teaching method that really do caught my mind and heart is the MORAL EDUCATION. As we know, Moral education is considered as the most important thing that a students should learn in school. Although students will be enlighten about this kind of education informally by parents, teacher do have their own responsibility in order to give them detailed ideas on what is actually moral education is. This is not only a Moral subject teacher's role, but every teachers should be able to implement the education to their students. Moral education revolves around good values that we should possess to make us to be more responsible towards our life. A teacher can be the best one to teach the students about the important values. For instance, teacher should portray the values during the teaching sessions. They should separate the students into few groups where there will be cooperative learning among them. It will be very useful in order to cultivate the spirit of being together in any situations. We can't deny that we can learn more effectively via cooperative learning. 

Thank you! See you soon. 

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