Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Second Reflection

This is going to be my second reflection where I'm here to share my opinion about the teaching methods regarding a selected subject.

Last Tuesday's class was about School of Thought topic. I've learnt many new things about the three important theories which were the cognitive, behavioral and humanistic theories along with the teaching methods for the three theories as well. And that enhanced my thought about which way I should use in my teaching process when I became a teacher. 

Yeah! I am. 
As I'm going to major in Language for my bachelor's program, I've chosen teaching methods which were highlighted in HUMANISTIC THEORY of learning. This is because that particular theory given me various new and unique ideas on how I can conduct my teaching session later on in the classroom. As nowadays students are very advanced and observant, I have to be prepared well before entering the classroom. Is that English language seems harder? Absolutely no! Learning English language is actually fun. 

 English is Fun ! 

These are all about English Language. 

Now let us jump into the learning theory of HUMANISTIC SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. 

Humanistic education is mostly about the social psychology. It revolves around social and emotional. Based on my understandings, humanistic education is all about person-centered teaching where empathy, caring about students and genuineness are seen as the key points of effective teachers who shape their students' future into a brighter one. 

Humanistic Theories

A teacher should be able to fulfill his or her students' needs as that is the major role that was assigned to them. This reminds me of the Maslow's Hierarchy where it had been stated that the lower needs should be achieved in order to achieve the other needs accordingly as per the pyramid. Teachers should be able to help their students to be able to understand the pyramid well. Based on Maslow, the drive for learn is intrinsic. The purpose of learning is to bring about self-actualization and the goals of educators should include this process. So, it is clearly shown that teachers should play a vital role in helping students to achieve the self-actualization level throughout the learning process that occurs. A humanist teacher is a facilitator and not only as knowledge disseminator. 

Now let me discuss about the teaching methods that had been highlighted throughout this humanistic education theory.

The teaching method that really do caught my mind and heart is the MORAL EDUCATION. As we know, Moral education is considered as the most important thing that a students should learn in school. Although students will be enlighten about this kind of education informally by parents, teacher do have their own responsibility in order to give them detailed ideas on what is actually moral education is. This is not only a Moral subject teacher's role, but every teachers should be able to implement the education to their students. Moral education revolves around good values that we should possess to make us to be more responsible towards our life. A teacher can be the best one to teach the students about the important values. For instance, teacher should portray the values during the teaching sessions. They should separate the students into few groups where there will be cooperative learning among them. It will be very useful in order to cultivate the spirit of being together in any situations. We can't deny that we can learn more effectively via cooperative learning. 

Thank you! See you soon. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Yeah ! A TEACHER is the HERO of his or her STUDENTS.

This picture about a teacher caught my eyes and heart once I saw it. It made my day. This shows how much a teacher plays his or her roles in order to shape the students’ life. Teachers seemed to be the utmost important part in the students’ life as they are involved directly in shaping their future. Even the world’s utmost famous persons were also created by the efforts of teachers. Even for me, my teachers are the real life heroes and heroines after my parents. Teachers were my second parents where I spent most of my time in school rather than being at home. 
Teachers create the foundation of their students upon which they will build the rest of their lives. They do influence the future of the students and also affect the collective future of all of humanity for generations. They also write the pages of who their students believe they are, what they believe they are capable of and who they choose to be and become. 
Teachers do also have the ability to have profound impacts on students' lives in the present and far into the future. 

I would again like to say that;

Thank you for joining me again. Coming soon with another post regarding teachers. Until then bye ! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The First Reflection.

My experiences and lessons learnt by setting up my blogspot and Windows Live Writer. 

It was a new experience for me to create a blog for myself. When Madam Eng briefed us about the first assignment to create a blog and to update our blog by posting our reflections, I was really shocked as I am not very up-to-dated with technologies and gadgets as much as youngsters nowadays. Anyhow, I finally cope up until I successfully done with it. Creating a blog is not as hard as it seemed. But I won't be able to complete it without Madam Eng and my other friends' help. Same goes to the Windows Live Writer. It was something new for me but anyhow I managed to explore the stuffs in blogs and get used to it the next day. And now I can do things better in blog hence posting this reflection as  my third post. 

The 4 simple ways to create a blog are as the below image: 

Ways to create a blog easily. 
This is what I felt after successfully finishing the setup of my blog and the Windows Live Writer as well
I had learnt few lessons while creating those blog and Windows Live Writer. It taught me to be independent in doing something that will be useful for me. This is where we will remember something by doing it by our own. Although I've done many mistakes, I still managed to try it again and again until I'm done with the task. 

Other than that, this also taught me to be up-to-date in new technologies and gadgets as they are very important in my future career. As a teacher to be, I need to be very familiar with new technologies as this world is now heading to a very sophisticated way of teaching and learning methods. Students are now more keen to use new technologies during their learning session. So, as a teacher, I should fulfill their needs and must go with them in their track in order to get along with them. By knowing their needs and interest, I can surely make a huge difference in the academic and also in the life of my students. I am hoping the best to get along with these new technologies where this will help me in future to handle my students who are more prone to sophisticated technologies. Moreover, I learnt that helping friends who are in need also will help us to generate unique ideas. This is because I found out that I could learn new things from my friends while helping and while talking with them regarding this blog matters. 

Thank You. :)

My Philosophy As A Future Educator.

YEAH !!!
I'm going to be a teacher soon ! :) 

Who is a TEACHER? 

What actually teaching is? 
Is it hard to be a teacher? 
Why do some people keep on saying that being teacher is not that easy?
Will I be a good facilitator and guide for my school children? 
How can I effectively educate my school children when I became a teacher later on?

Those questions do always keep on running in my mind. As I'm going to enter the teachers' world soon, I do have my own philosophies and some plans as well on how to teach my children in future. 

Various types of teachers at school. 

There are actually many types of teachers that we may found during our school periods as what had been portrayed by above image. It happens to me too. Although many years had been passed, I still remember my old teachers. They do give impacts in my life. For instance, I love my English Language teacher more than other teachers. So, I loved that particular subject little bit more than other subjects. As a result, I usually score higher in that subject compared to others. It clearly shows that as a teacher to be, I should make my students to feel comfortable with me like how my English teacher did. That will directly lead into enhancements in their academic and also in their life as well. 


And that is my philosophy as a future educator to be. Let me discuss more about the quote above. 
An educator's role is not only to teach his or her students but also to facilitate and guide their life. This is because teachers are being the second parents for students at school. It can be said that students spend most of their time with their teachers rather than their parents. No one cannot deny that teachers influence their students. I will ensure that students learning needs are the primary focus for me. I believe that every students has his or her own abilities in academic field. Every student is special for the particular teacher. That really enhance my spirit to become an effective and understanding teacher in future. I strongly believe that students are our future. As a teacher, I will always give importance for my students' needs before making any decision. 
There is even an old sayings which sounds as below; 
'A good teacher is like a candle where it consumes itself to light the way for others'

This picture shows how important is the job of a teacher. A teacher is the main indicator for the future of his or her students. Without a teacher, there is no any other professions out there. No one can jump into their career life without finishing his or her studies. For completing his or her studies, there will be a teacher to facilitate. So, clearly it shows that above image do tells the universal truth. And no one can neither deny that statement nor arguing it. I'm pretty sure that the result of arguing the statement will lead into the failure of the argument. 

Therefore, I strongly believe that my choice of being a teacher will never meet any failure. 
And I will never ever give up in my decision. 

Thank You :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My Story

I want to inspire people.
I want someone to look at me and say "because of you I didn't give up

"Guess Who Am I? 

' I'm A Future Educator ' 

Hi everyone. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm here to acknowledge myself where my name is Mythili D/O Katheraveloo and I'm 21 years old. I'm from Perak, Malaysia. I'm doing Bachelor Of Education (HONS) in UNITAR. For your information, I'm now in the first semester of my second year in the journey towards being a passionate educator as what I had wished for before. I've been heard that being a teacher is not as easy as what people see. Anyhow, taking risk is what I prefer in this matter. Anything is possible if we're doing it in the right path. And that is my life policy too as what my mom told me since I'm a small kid.