Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Fifth Reflection

This time I am going to share my views about PowerPoint PRESENTATION to you all.
Okay, now let's see what is meant by PowerPoint presentation briefly. After that I'll explain the ways for creating an effective PowerPoint Presentation.


What is a PowerPoint presentation? 

The term 'PowerPoint Presentation' was coined when Microsoft introduced its software program, PowerPoint. PowerPoint is commonly used by presenters as a digital aid when presenting the particular topic to audience. PowerPoint is also the most used presentation software program. 

Now let us go to the main part that I've to discuss about. It is not other than the EFFECTIVE WAYS TO CREATE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION.

There are seven steps that I had discovered for making an effective PowerPoint presentation for teachers to enhance their knowledge as stated below:
1.) You should not choose backgrounds which are very colourful for your presentation. 
2.) You should try to avoid using clip arts or animated pictures. Anyhow, you can try real pictures that are related to that particular topic.
3.) You should not always start your presentation with notes. You can try other approach to attract the students' attention where you can use any images which will give students a brief idea on what you are going to teach in classroom.
4.) You should use the appropriate font styles where students should be able to read it. On the other hand, make sure that the font sizes are standard. For instance, you can use sizes from 20 to 25 in your presentation. 
5.) Make sure that you include the important facts only in your presentation. This is to prevent your presentation from being boring for the students. 
6.) You should never ever squeeze everything in only one slide as this will lead into clumsiness of your presentation slides. In order to prevent that kind of situation, you can try to elaborate the points accordingly in different slides. This will make sense. 
7.) You should also make it as local as possible. This means that you have to refer to Malaysian presentation styles of examples. This is to ease all kind of students to understand your presentation slides. 

They were the seven utmost important parts in making an effective PowerPoint presentation. As a future educator, this do helped me in enhancing my ideas on how I should make PowerPoint presentation as well as how to grab students' attentions too. 

And not forgetting the girl who had helped me in guiding to complete this fifth reflection, Sherenne Ann Thomas. I would like to thank her for the patience and kindness in helping me to brief everything what happened in Pedagogy in Education class last Monday. I were not able to attend the class due to my other project work. I also would like to thank Madam Ng for her kindness where she do let me to complete my fifth reflection although I did not attend the Monday's class. 

Thank you. :)

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Fourth Reflection

There are actually three parts in a lesson plan. they are the pre-teaching session, during the teaching session and also the post-teaching session.


In my opinion, the utmost part that should be given more attention will be during the lesson takes place. It means that the session while the class is being conducted is the important part. This session can be said as the very effective part where the whole process of teaching and learning will be conducted. This will foresee what the students actually learn from their teachers.

This period is where the teacher teaches the lesson in detail. This is the perfect time for teachers to give their students the sufficient amount of knowledge they need in that particular topic. Worksheets will be given to enhance the students knowledge on what the teacher had been taught in classroom.
In my opinion, teachers should use unique ways to catch their students' attraction during the teaching session. On the other hand, students should be given in-class activities too as something that will be strengthening the students' knowledge on that particular subject matter.

That's what I felt from what I've learnt.
Thank you. :)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Third Reflection; What I've Learnt ?

Last Tuesday's class was mostly about ' LESSON PLAN'. I must say that it was a very enjoyable class as our works are not only done by hearing our Madam Ng's lecture, but also by experiencing by ourselves as well. It is where we discussed about what a lesson plan should consist of. We were grouped into three people in a group and assigned to create a lesson plan template by our own. 

Huh, LESSON PLAN ??? Oh my god, how am I going to do it? It's going to be very tough. 
That was my first reaction when I heard it. 
Lesson Plan???
Anyhow, after receiving sufficient information on how to create a lesson plan from our discussion with Madam Ng, the fear inside me flew away. It is not that hard to create a lesson plan. During the discussion, I remembered back what I've learnt about lesson plan during Curriculum Development class, last semester. Based on the information provided, guidance from internet and our knowledge, we successfully done with our own lesson plan. 

                        Our lesson plan.
Now let us see what a lesson plan is. We often hear or see that word, lesson plan during our schooling period where our teachers used to bring a big hard covered book on which lesson plan word is written. It can be said that there will be no any teacher without this lesson plan. 

Why lesson plan is crucial for a teacher?

A teacher's teaching plan is the utmost thing that he or she should have in order to conduct the teaching process in classroom. And that is called a 'LESSON PLAN'. It is very important for a teacher to have a better planned lesson plan to facilitate their teaching session in classroom to run well. 

I've got few strategies in order to create an effective lesson plan which do make me to understand well. As a future educator, I fond out that these steps will really help me in future when I became a teacher. 

Those steps will be helpful for everyone who is aiming to become a teacher. There is no such things as tough and hard. If we try, we will surely be successful. 

Thank you. :)